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Saturday, March 2, 2013


1. Process of finding/ correcting program errors is—
(A) Bugs (B) Debugging
(C) Hacking (D) Cracking
Ans : (B)

2. Diagnostic routines is a—

(A) Programs used to print error messages
(B) Indicates system problems and improper program instructions.
(C) Both A & B are true
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

3. The term DBMS is referred to—

(A) Data Base Management system
(B) The software used for the management, maintenance and retrieval of the data stored in a data base
(C) A & B both true
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

4. The speed at which data is transferred from the main memory to another medium on which data are recorded is referred as—

(A) Data transfer rate (B) Byte
(C) Buds (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

5. The time period during which a computer is malfunctioning or not operating correctly due to machine failures is referred as—

(A) Downtime (B) Uptime
(C) Runtime (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

6. EBCDIC is—
(A) 6-bit coding system (B) 7-bit coding system
(C) 8-bit coding system (D) 9-bit coding system
Ans : (C)

7. A data communication facility on which data can be transmitted in two directions is referred as—
(A) Duplex (B) Simplex
(C) Triplex (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

8. Electronic Mail /Message System (EMMS) best suits to—
(A) Postal service (B) Telephone service
(C) Telegraph service (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

9. Digital Computer is a computer—
(A) that works with discrete quantities (B) that works with analog quantities
(C) Both A & B (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

10. The subdivision of fields—
(A) always done to give the programmer greater flexibility
(B) dependent on programming language used
(C) never accomplished on fields containing numeric data
(D) all the above
Ans : (B)

11. The primary memory of a personal computer consists—
(A) ROM only (B) RAM only
(C) Both ROM and RAM (D) memory module
Ans : (C)

12. Microsoft Excel is?
(A) financial planning package (B) electronic spreadsheet
(C) graphics package (D) data-base management package
Ans : (B)

13. All the keys on the IBM PC keyboard repeat as long as one holds them down. These keys are known as?
(A) typematic keys (B) functional keys
(C) automatic keys (D) alphabetic keys
Ans : (A)

14. Distributed data processing configuration where all activities passes through a centrally located computer is—
(A) ring network (B) spider network
(C) hierarchical network (D) data control network
Ans : (B)

15. Communications device, combines transmissions from several devices into on line is ?
(A) concentrator (B) modifier
(C) multiplexer (D) full-duplex line
Ans : (C)

16. Data communications involving telegraph lines uses—
(A) simplex lines (B) wideband channels
(C) narrowband channels (D) Dialed service
Ans : (C)

17. A semiconductor memory which allows the eraser of the information stared in it so that new information can be stared in it is referred as—
(C) RAM (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

18. Extended ASCII uses—
(A) 8 bits for coding (B) 9 bits for coding
(C) 10 bits for coding (D) 11 bits for coding
Ans : (A)

19. A device used for transmission of images scanned at a transmitting point and duplicated at a receiving point is—
(A) Facsimile (FAX) (B) Telephone
(C) Photocopier (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

20. A data transmission medium made of tiny threads of glass or plastic that can transmit huge amount of information at the speed of light is—
(A) Fiber optic cable (B) Copper cable
(C) Twisted wire cable (D) None of these
Ans : (A)


1. Computer output which is displayed on the screen of a terminal without a permanent copy is called—
(A) Soft copy (B) Hard copy
(C) Hardware (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

2. A storage device or medium where the access time is dependent upon the location of the data is called—

(A) Serial access (B) Parallel access
(C) Null access (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

3. The set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documentation related to the effective operation of a computer system is referred as—

(A) Software (B) Hardware
(C) Hardcopy (D) Softcopy
Ans : (A)

4. An adder in which the bits of the operands are added one after another is called—

(A) Serial adder (B) Parallel adder
(C) Full adder (D) Half adder
Ans : (A)

5. A method of providing virtual memory—

(A) Segmentation (B) De-fragmentation
(C) Paging (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

6. A unit of a computer system that interprets instructions and executes them is known as—
(A) Processor (B) Storage
(C) Peripherals (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

7. A register in CPU used to store the address of the next instruction to be executed is known as—
(A) Program counter (B) Program library
(C) Programmer (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

8. One who designs, writes, tests and maintenance computer programs is called—
(A) Programmer (B) Operator
(C) User (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

9. Which of the following terms applies to communication between two computer systems?
(A) computer literacy (B) power supply
(C) applications software (D) connectivity
Ans : (D)

10. A memory in CPU that holds program instructions, input data, intermediate results and the output information produced during processing is—
(A) Secondary memory (B) Primary memory
(C) Auxiliary memory (D) None of these
Ans : (B)

11. In Broadband system a network system—
(A) Several analog signals share the same physical network channel.
(B) Only digital signals share the same physical network channel.
(C) Single analog signals share the same physical network channel.
(D) None of these.
Ans : (A)

12. Bit stands for—
(A) binary digit (B) one binary piece of information
(C) Both A and B are true (D) None is true
Ans : (C)

13. Broadband channel is the—
(A) The fastest carriers where data transfer rates is of 1 million baud (bits/secon(D) or more.
(B) The slower carriers where data transfer rates is of 56k baud
(C) Musical channel
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)

14. BLOB is—
(A) Binary Large Object (B) A long bit string representing complex data
(C) Object oriented language (D) Only A & B are true
Ans : (D)

15. A group of related items / section of program coding treated as a unit is referred as—
(A) Block (B) Duplex
(C) Street (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

16. Following is false for BASIC—
(A) Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
(B) High-level interactive programming language
(C) Works in timesharing environment
(D) Low level object oriented language
Ans : (D)

17. A unit for measuring data transmission speed that describes the capacity of a carrier is referred as—
(A) Baud (B) Bit
(C) Bond (D) Batch
Ans : (A)

18. A process of trying out a new product by independent users before it is finally manufactured/ developed—
(A) Alpha test (B) Beta Test
(C) Gamma test (D) None of these
Ans : (B)

19. A selection, choice, or condition involving two possibilities is referred as—
(A) Unary (B) Binary
(C) Octal (D) None of these
Ans : (B)

20. Base band System is—
(A) A networking system (B) Where the channel support. a single digital signal.
(C) Both A & B true (D) None is true
Ans : (C)


1. Constant is a value written into a program instruction—
(A) that does not change during the execution of the program
(B) that can change during the execution of the program
C) that can vary during the execution of the program
(D) none of these
Ans : (A)

2. A removable direct-access storage medium containing multiple magnetic disks mounted vertically on a single-shaft is referred as—

(A) Tape pack (B) Disk pack
(C) Cylinder (D) None of these
Ans : (B)

3. Diskette is a—

(A) A low-cost, thin flexible magnetic disk storage device
(B) High volume storage device
(C) Primary storage device
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)

4. An optical input device that is used to read documents printed in a special type font is known as—

(A) Document reader (B) Documentation
(C) Printer (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

5. For checking spelling one uses—

(A) Dictionary Disk (B) Index disk
(C) Directory (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

6. APL is—
(A) A high level language for specifying complex algorithms.
(B) A real-time language primarily for scientific applications.
(C) Only A is true
(D) Both A & B true
Ans : (D)

7. The overall design, construction, organization and interconnecting of the various components of a computer system is referred as—
(A) Computer Architecture (B) Computer Flow chart
(C) Computer Algorithm (D) None of these
Ans : (A)

8. Asynchronous communication is—
(A) Communication between independently operating units
(B) Communication between dependent operating units
(C) Communication between independent and dependent operating units
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)

9. Audio response is—
(A) output medium
(B) produces verbal responses from the computer system
(C) Both A & B true
(D) None is true
Ans : (C)

10. Automated Office refers to the merger of …………… in an office environment.
(A) Computers (B) office
(C) telecommunications (D) All the above
Ans : (D)

11. Technique of placing software/programs in a ROM semiconductor chip is called—
(C) firm ware (D) microprocessor
Ans : (C)

12. Following is not true for magnetic tape ?
(A) low cost (B) direct-access storage medium
(C) compact and portable (D) highly reliable
Ans : (B)

13. The following is an nonvolatile memory?
Ans : (A)

14. The……………can be programmed one time by either the manufacturer or the computer user. Once programmed, it cannot be modified.
Ans : (C)

15. Which of the following is not true of a magnetic disk?
(A) Users can update records by writing over the old data
(B) It provides sequential access to stored data
(C) It is slow relative to magnetic tape
(D) All of the above are true
Ans : (B)

16. A term used for diskette is—
(A) disk cartridge (B) disk pack
(C) floppy disk (D) none of these
Ans : (C)

17. Following is true for the digital computer?
(A) Information is in form of a string of binary digits
(B) It can be used as analog processor
(C) It is less accurate than the analog computer
(D) None of these.
Ans : (A)

18. Comparing with secondary storage, primary storage is—
(A) slow and inexpensive (B) fast and inexpensive
(C) fast and expensive (D) slow and expensive
Ans : (C)

19. CPU performs read/write operations at any point in time in—
Ans : (C)

20. Following is not the from of secondary storage—
(A) magnetic tape (B) CD’s
(C) Disk (D) Hard disk
Ans : (D)