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Sunday, August 23, 2015

United India Insurance Company (UIIC) Assistant exam Computer Knowledge Solved Paper (Exam Held on: 03-01-2013)

1. Which one of the following would not be considered as a form of secondary storage? 
(a) Floppy Disk (b) Optical Disk (c) RAM (d) Flash Drive (e) Hard Disk (Ans : c)

2. The Processor is an example of computer–
(a) Software (b) Output Unit (c) Storage (d) Program (e) Hardware (Ans : e)

3. A hexadecimal number is a number to the base–
(a) 2 (b) 20 (c) 16 (d) 4 (e) 8 (Ans : c)

4. Java in computer programming is a–
(a) Compiler (b) Hardware Device Driver (c) Low-level Language 
(d) High-level Language (e) Programming Mid-level Language (Ans : d)

5. Which of the following is not a binary number? 
(a) 01010 (b) 11111 (c) 31121 (d) 00000 (e) 110110 (Ans : c)

6. What does the acronym WAN stand for? 
(a) Widest Area Network (b) Wild Area Network (c) Wide Area Networking 
(d) Wide Area. Network (e) Wider Area Network (Ans : d)

7. FTP is an acronym for– 
(a) File Transaction Protocol (b) File Truncation Protocol (c) File Translation Protocol 
(d) File Transfer Protocol (e) File Transmission Protocol (Ans : d)

8. Connections to the Internet using a phone line and a modem are called….. connections. 
(a) Digital (b) Dial-up (c) Broadband (d) Dish (e) Both (b) and (c) (Ans : b)

9. Documents converted to….. can be published to the web. 
(a) A doc file (b) HTTP (c) machine language (d) HTML (e) None of these (Ans : b)

10. What is extension of Microsoft Word document? 
(a) txt (b) doc (c) ppt (d) xls (e) psd (Ans : b)

11. Outlook Express is a(n)–
(a) protocol (b) Search Engine (c) Browser (d) Network (e) E-mail Client (Ans : e)

12. Printers and screens in computer system are common form of– 
(a) Processing device (b) Computation units (c) Input units 
(d) Storage units (e) Output units (Ans : e)

13. LSI in chip technology stands for– 
(a) Large-Scale Internet (b) Low-Scale Integration (c) Low-Scale Internet 
(d) Local-Scale Integration (e) Large-Scale Integration (Ans : e)

14. Ctrl + n in MS word is used to–
(a) Save document (b) Start Paragraph (c) Open new document 
(d) Close document (e) Open a saved document (Ans : c)

15. Connections to other documents or to other locations within a website is known as–
(a) Hyper connects (b) Plug-ins (c) Hyperlinks (d) Filters (e) Bots (Ans : c)

16. Checking whether a program functions correctly and then correcting errors, it is known as– 
(a) Error-proofing a program (b) Default error-checking (c) De-erroring 
(d) Debugging (e) Decoding (Ans : d)

17. Single-word reference to viruses, worms etc. is–
(a) harmware (b) virus (c) phish (d) malware (e) killer war (Ans : d)

18. Converting the computer language of 1’s and 0’s to characters, that can be understood is known as…... 
(a) Selecting (b) Creating clip-art (c) Decoding (d) Generating (e) Highlighting (Ans : c)

19. Storage that returns its data after the power is turned off is referred’ to as–
(a) Sequential storage (b) Direct storage (c) Non-destructive storage 
(d) Non-volatile storage (e) Volatile storage (Ans : d)

20. A compiler in computing means–
(a) A programmer. (b) A person who compiles source program. (c) Keypunch operator 
(d) A gaming software (e) A program which translates source program into object program (Ans : e)

21. What is Windows Vista? 
(a) Processor (b) Output Device (c) Storage Device 
(d) Input Device (e) Operating System (Ans : e)

22. Which of the following is not an operating system used in computer? 
(a) Windows 95 (b) Windows 2000 (c) MS-DOS 
(d) Windows 3.1 (e) Windows 98 (Ans : d)

23. “DTP” is a computer abbreviation usually means– 
(a) Digital Transmission Protocol (b) Desktop Publishing (c) Document Type Processing 
(d) Document Transfer Processing (e) Data Type Programming (Ans : b)

24. Which of the following is equivalent roughly to 1 billion bytes? 
(a) One kilobyte (b) One Terabyte (c) One Gigabyte 
(d) One Megabyte (e) One Megabit (Ans : c)

25. The ALU and Control unit, jointly is known as–
(a) RAM (b) CPU (c) PC (d) EPROM (e) ROM (Ans : b)

26. The….. port resembles a standard phone jack. 
(a) Fire wire (b) modem (c) peripheral (d) serial (e) None of these (Ans : b)

27. The ALU performs….. operations. 
(a) arithmetic (b) ASCII (c) algorithm-based (d) logarithm-based (e) None of above (Ans : a)

28. A group of related records in a database is called a(n)–
(a) object (b) memo (c) table (d) record (e) None of these (Ans : c)

29. What is the generation of computers which are built with microprocessors? 
(a) third (b) fourth (e) first (d) second (e) prior to first (Ans : b)

30. The digital telecommunication term ISDN is an abbreviation for 
(a) Internet Services Data Network (b) International Services Digital Network 
(c) Integrated Services Digital Network (d) Interactive Standard Dynamic Networks 
(e) Integrated Standard Digital Networks (Ans : c)

31. How to specify cell range from A10 to A 25 in MS Excel? 
(a) (A10-A25) (b) (A10 to A25) (c) (A10 : A25) (d) (A10 . A25) (e) (A10 A25) (Ans : c)

32. If you change Windows 98 operating system to Windows XP, then it is known as–
(a) Update (b) Patch (c) Pull down (d) Push up (e) Upgrade (Ans : e)

33. ALU and control unit of most of the computers are combined and are embedded on a single . 
(a) Monochip (b) Control unit (c) Microprocessor (d) ALU (e) Microfilm (Ans : c)

34. QWERTY is used with reference to–
(a) Printer (b) Monitor (c) Keyboard (d) Mouse (e) Joystick (Ans : c)

35. Where does most data go first with’ in a computer memory hierarchy? 
(a) RAM (b) ROM (e) BIOS (d) CACHE (e) None of these (Ans : a)

36. A result of a computer virus can not lead to–
(a) Disk Crash (b) Mother Board Crash (c) Corruption of program 
(d) Deletion of files (e) None of above (Ans : b)

37. Which of the following extensions suggest that the file is a backup copy– 
(a) Bak (b) Bas (c) Com (d) Txt (e) None of these (Ans : a)

38. Which of the following storage media provides sequential access only? 
(a) Floppy disk (b) Magnetic disk (c) Magnetic tape (d) Optical disk (e) None of above (Ans : a)

39. The….. becomes different shapes depending on the task you are performing. 
(a) Active tab (b) Insertion point (c) Mouse pointer (d) Ribbon (e) None of above (Ans : c)

40. A file extension is separated from the main file name with a(n)– 
(a) question mark (b) exclamation mark (c) underscore (d) period (e) None of above (Ans : e)

Sunday, August 16, 2015


1. Which of the following produces the best quality graphics reproduction?
a) Laser printer
b) Ink jet printer
c) Plotter
d) Dot matrix printer
e) All the above

2. Computers with 80286 microprocessor:
a) XT computer
b) AT computer
c) PS/2 computer
d) PS/3 computer
e) PS/4 computer

3. An application suitable for sequential processing:
a) Processing of grades
b) Payroll processing
c) Both a and b
d) Sometimes a or b
e) None of the above

4. Which of the following is not processing?
a) Arranging
b) Manipulating
c) Calculating
d) Gathering
e) Sorting

5. The digital computer was developed primarily in ___
b) Japan
c) USA
d) UK
e) India

6. Software in computer:
a) Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine
b) Increase the speed of central processing unit
c) Both a and b
d) Either a or b
e) None of the above

7. Which of the following option in File pull down menu is used to close a MS Word document?
a) Quit
b) Close
c) Exit
d) New
e) Insert

8. Before a disk drive can access any sector record, a computer program has to provide the record’s
disk address. What information does this address specify?
a) Track number
b) Sector number
c) Surface number
d) All of the above
e) None of the above

9. Arranging of data in a logical sequence is called:
a) Sorting
b) Classifying
c) Reproducing
d) Summarizing
e) Coding

10. What is the responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer?
a) Producing result
b) Comparing numbers
c) Controlling flow of information
d) Performing mathematical operations
e) None of the above

11. Bluetooth is a type of radio wave information transmission system
that is good for about __
a) 30 feet
b) 30 yards
c) 30 miles
d) 300 miles
e) 3000 miles

12. The telephone is an example of a(n) ____ signal.
a) Analog
b) Digital
c) Modulated
d) Demodulated
e) a and b

13. Acredit card-sized expansion board that is inserted into portable computers that connects the modem
to the telephone wall jack:
a) Internal modem
b) External modem
c) PC Card modem
d) Wireless modem
e) Router

14. A modem that is contained within the system unit is called a(n) ____ modem.
a) external
b) internal
c) wireless
d) Wi-Fi
e) Bluetooth

15. A modem that doesn't need to be connected to a telephone line is the _____ modem.
a) external
b) internal
c) wireless
d) DSL
e) Broadband

16. Aspecial high-speed line used by large corporations to support digital communications is known as ___
a) satellite/air connection service lines
b) cable modems
c) digital subscriber lines
d) T1, T2, T3 and T4 lines
e) b and d

17. An affordable technology that uses existing telephone lines to provide high-speed connections is called ____
b) Microwave
c) Cable modem
d) DSL
e) DSN

18. The capacity of a communication channel is measured in ___
a) Bandwidth
b) Bit capacity
c) Baud rate
d) Data flow
e) Baud flow

19. What is the name given to the values that are automatically provided by software to reduce keystrokes
and improve a computer user's productivity?
a) Defined values
b) Fixed values
c) Default values
d) Special values
e) Function values

20. In MS-DOS 5.0, which is the number that acts as a code to uniquely identify the software product?
a) MS
b) DOS
d) 5.0
e) 4.2.0

21. A page fault:
a) Is an error in a specific page
b) Occurs when a program accesses a page of memory
c) Is an access to a page not currently in memory
d) None of these
e) All the above

22. The process of transferring data intended for a peripheral device into a disk (or intermediate store) so that it can be transferred to peripheral at a more convenient time or in bulk, is known as ___
a) Multiprogramming
b) Spooling
c) Caching
d) Virtual programming
e) Clearing

23. An instruction in a programming language that is replaced by a sequence of instructions prior to
assembly or compiling is known as ___
a) procedure name
b) macro
c) label
d) literal
e) mini

24. Banker's algorithm for resource allocation deals with:
a) Deadlock prevention
b) Deadlock avoidance
c) Deadlock recovery
d) Mutual exclusion
e) None of these

25. The state of a process after it encounters an I/O instruction is ___
a) Ready
b) Blocked/Waiting
c) Idle
d) Running
e) Coding

26. The number of processes completed per unit time is known as _____.
a) Output
b) Throughput
c) Efficiency
d) Capacity
e) Input

27. Which of the following file name extension suggests that the file is Backup copy of another file?
a) TXT
b) COM
c) BAS
d) BAK
e) BAT

28. Which technique was introduced because a single job could not keep both the CPU and the I/O devices busy?
a) Time-sharing
b) Spooling
c) Preemptive scheduling
d) Multiprogramming
e) Multi tasking

29. A sequence of instructions, in a computer language, to get the desired result, is known as:
a) Algorithm
b) Decision Table
c) Program
d) All of the above
e) None of these

30. Information in a memory that is no longer valid or wanted is known as:
a) Non-volatile
b) Volatile
c) Surplus
d) Garbage
e) Dustbin

31. Which of the following is not a method of accessing the web?
b) CPU
c) DSL
d) Modem
e) Router

32. Yahoo( is a ___
a) Super Computer
b) Portal
c) Organization that allocates web addresses
d) Website for Consumers
e) Beam

1) c 2) b 3) c 4) d 5) c 6) a 7) b 8) d 9) a 10) b
11) a 12) a 13) c 14) b 15) c 16) d 17) d 18) a 19) c 20) d
21) c 22) b 23) b 24) b 25) b 26) b 27) d 28) d 29) c 30) d
31) b 32) b 33) d

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


1. A ______ is approximately a million bytes.
a) Giga byte
b) Kilo byte
c) Mega byte
d) Tera byte
e) None of these

2. If you want to extend the length of the network without having the signal degrade, you would use a:
a) repeater
b) router
c) gateway
d) switch
e) None of these

3. What do you press to enter the current date in a cell?
a) CTRL + ; (semicolon)
b) CTRL + SHIFT + : (colon)
c) CTRL + F10
d) CTRL + F11
e) None of these

4. To make the number pad act as directional arrows, you press the ____ key.
a) Num lock
b) Caps lock
c) Arrows lock
d) Shift
e) Control

5. Press ____ to move the insertion point to the Address box, or to highlight the URL in the Address box.
a) ALT + D
b) ALT + A
e) None

6. To move to the bottom of a document, press ____
a) Insert key
b) Home key
c) CTRL + End key
d) End key
e) None of these

7. Transmitting data in the form of light is called
a) Light Transmitter
b) Fiber glass
c) LTP
d) All of the above
e) None of the Above

8. ___ is the memory card which is conceptually related to the smart card but similar to video desk?
a) Debit card
b) Master card
c) Laser card
d) Credit card
e) None of the Above

9. Maximum Storage capacity of a DVD is _____
a) 17 GB
b) 15 GB
c) 16 GB
d) 10 GB
e) None of the Above

10. Which of the following operating system uses first 64 bit technology?
b) Windows XP
c) Mac OS
d) Linux
e) None of the Above

11. A processing unit that coordinates networks and data communication is known as:
a) Control unit
b) CPU
c) Communications Processor
d) Data Coordinator
e) None of the Above

12. Two or more computers connected to each other for sharing information form a:
a) network
b) router
c) server
d) tunnel
e) pipeline

13. If a computer provides database services to other, then it will be known as:
a) Web server
b) Application server
c) Database server
d) FTP server
e) None of these

14. Technology used to provide internet by transmitting data over wires of telephone network is __
a) Transmitter
b) Diodes
c) HHL
d) DSL
e) None of these

15. Documents, Movies, Images and Photographs etc are stored at a:
a) Application Sever
b) Web Sever
c) Print Server
d) File Server
e) None of these

16. RAM consists of which of the following?
a) Conductor
b) Semi Conductor
c) Vaccum Tubes
d) Transistor
e) None of these

17. Who is the father of Internet?
a) Charles Babbage
b) Vint Cerf
c) Denis Riche
d) Martin Cooper
e) None of these

18. ______is process of Verification?
a) Access
b) Login
c) Logout
d) Authentication
e) None of these

19. Identify the odd one from the following?
b) Floopy Disks
c) SD Disk
e) None of these

20. USB is which type of storage device?
a) Primay
b) Secondary
c) Tertiary
d) All the above
e) None of these

21. Which program is run by BIOS to check hardware components are working properly while computer is turned ON?
b) POS
d) RIP
e) None of these

22. To identification particular location in storage area one have a:
a) Address
b) Password
c) Logic
d) Mouse
e) None of these

23. The following computer's memory is characterized by low cost per bit stored:
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Hard disk
d) All of the above
e) None of these

24. The following is true for Auxiliary Storage:
a) It has an operating speed far slower than that of the primary storage.
b) It has an operating speed faster than that of the primary storage.
c) It has an operating speed equivalent than that of the primary storage.
d) All of the above
e) None of these

25. ALGOL is the ____ language
a) High-level
b) Low level
c) Machine
d) All of the above
e) None of these

26. Which of the following is a logic circuit capable of forming the sum of two or more quantities?
a) Adder
b) Multiplier
c) Address
d) Access
e) None of these

27. Which of the following will not cut information?
a) Pressing Ctrl + C
b) Selecting Edit > Cut from the menu
c) Clicking the Cut button on the standard
d) Pressing Ctrl+X
e) None of these

28. MPG is a file extension of which type of files?
a) Audio
b) Image
c) Video
d) Flash
e) None of these

29. What is the full form of EXIF?
a) Exchangeable Image Fine Finish
b) Exchangeable Image File Format
c) Executable Image File Format
d) Executable Image File Finish
e) None of these

30. Which of the following can't spread virus?
a) An e-mail with attachment
b) A plain text mail
c) Downloading files over the web
d) All of the above
e) None of these

31. There is a new anti-virus software update available, when it is downloaded to your computer __
a) Everyday
b) Only in the night
c) When you next switch on your computer
d) All of the above
e) None of these

32. Numbers are stored and transmitted inside a computer in ___
a) Binary form
b) ASCII code form
c) Alphabets form
d) Numerical form
e) None of these

33. CPU capacity can be measured in
a) BPS
c) MHz
d) MPI
e) None of these

34. "Zipping" a file means:
a) Encrypting the message
b) Compressing the message
c) Transfer the message
d) All of the above
e) None of these

35. What is the Super Computer developed in India?
d) Both a and b
e) None of the above

36. Difference Engine invented by:
a) Charles Babbage
b) John McCarthy
c) Pascal
d) Newton
e) None of these

37. Doing research by using an online database instead of a printed set of similar information offers which of the following advantage
a) More current information
b) Easier to understand
c) Better charts
d) All of the above
e) None of these

1) c; 2) a; 3) a; 4) a; 5) a; 6) c; 7) b; 8) c; 9) a; 10) d;
11) c; 12) a; 13) c; 14) d; 15) d; 16) b; 17) b; 18) d; 19) d; 20) c;
21) b; 22) a; 23) b; 24) a; 25) a; 26) a; 27) a; 28) c; 29) b; 30) b;
31) c; 32) b; 33) b; 34) b; 35) b; 36) a; 37) a.