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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Computer gk 6 june

Q1. Which of the following refers to the rectangular area for displaying information and running programs?

1. Desktop

2. Dialog box

3. Menu

4. Window

5. None of these

Q2. Which of these is not a means of personal communication on the internet?

1. Chat

2. Instant messaging

3. Instanotes

4. Electronic mail

5. None of these

Q3. _____ is the layer of a computer system between the hardware and the user program?

1. Operating environment

2. Operating system

3. System environment

4. Utility software

5. Spooler

Q4. The symbols used in an assembly language are?

1. Codes

2. Mnemonics

3. Assembler

4. All of the above

5. None of the above

Q5. The list of coded instructions is called?

1. Computer program

2. Algorithm

3. Flowchart

4. Utility programs

5. None of the above

Q6. A computer checks the _____ of user names and passwords for a match before granting access?



3.Backup file 


5.None of these

Q7. SPOOL is an acronym for:?

1.simultaneous peripheral operation online

2.simultaneous process operation online

3.system peripheral operation online

4.simultaneous peripheral operationonlining

5.none of the above

Q8. Which of the following key combination will perform the warm boot of computer?






Q9. Which of the following data structure is linear data structure?




4.Both (b) & (c)

5.None of the above

Q10. ...........Command extracts data from a database?



5.None of these


Q.1. (1)-Desktop

Q.2. (3)- Instanotes

Q.3. (2)-Operating system

Q.4. (2)-Mnemonics

Q.5.(1)-Computer program

Q.6. (4)-Database

Q.7. (1)-simultaneous peripheral operation online

Q.8. (2)-Ctrl-Alt-Delete

Q.9. (1)-Array

Q.10. (2)-sele

Monday, June 4, 2018

Computer gk 5 june

Q.1. Which is used as work for directional arrow from Number pad ?

(1) Numlock 

(2) Arrow lock 

(3) Caps lock 

(4) Shift 

(5) None of these 

Q.2. What hardware is essential for a word processing system ?

(1) CD ROM, Modem and keyboard 

(2) CD ROM, Printer and keyboard 

(3) Monitor, keyboard and mouse 

(4) CPU, keyboard and mouse 

(5) None of these 

Q.3. Where do you place disc so that computer could read?

(1) Hard drive 

(2) Disk drive 

(3) Modem 

(4) USB port 

(5) None of these 

Q.4. Which of the following represents MB?

(1) Gigabyte 

(2) Megabyte 

(3) Terabyte 

(4) Petabyte 

(5) None of these 

Q.5. An example of an embedded system is —————?

(1) A calculator 

(2) A machine tool 

(3) A CD-Rom 

(4) Keyboard 

(5) None of these 

Q.6. Brain of computer______ .

(1) CPU 

(2) CDRAW 

(3) Floppy Disk 

(4) Hard Disk 

(5) None of these 

Q.7. Which computers use single chip processor ?

(1) Personal computer 

(2) Mainframe Computer 

(3) CRAY computer 

(4) Parallel Computer 

(5) None of these 

Q.8. In computer the smallest unit such as 8 unit makes one byte.

(1) Bit 

(2) Binary 

(3) Octal 

(4) Gigabyte 

(5) None of these 

Q.9. Touch Screen a type of _______ device.

(1) Input Device 

(2) Output Device 

(3) Storage Device 

(4) Both 1 and 2 

(5) None of these 

Q.10. Which of the following Number system is used by computer to calculate and store data?

(1) Binary 

(2) Octal 

(3) Decimal 

(4) Hexadecimal 

(5) None of these 


Q.1. (1) Numlock 

Q.2. (3) Monitor, keyboard and mouse 

Q.3. (2) Disk drive 

Q.4. (2) MB means Mega byte

Q.5. (1) A calculator 

Q.6. (1) CPU 

Q.7. (1) Personal computer 

Q.8. (1) Bit 

Q.9. (1) Input Device

Q.10. (1) Binary