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Saturday, June 9, 2018

Computer gk 10 june

1. Software, such as viruses, worms and Trojan horses, that has a malicious intent, is known as:

(1) Spyware 

(2) adware 

(3) spam 

(4) malware 

(5) None of these 

Q.2. Which of the following is a wildcard that stands in the place of a series of letters?

(1) % 

(2) * 


( ) 

(4) “ “ 

(5) None of these 

Q.3. A file containing relatively permanent data is

(1) Random file 

(2) Transaction file 

(3) Master file 

(4) Sequential file 

(5) None of these 

Q.4. Which of the following is not an example of operating system?

(1) Windows 98 

(2) BSD unix 

(3) Microsoft office XP 

(4) Red Hat Linux 

(5) None of these 

Q.5. Check the odd term out ————-.

(1) Internet 

(2) Linux 

(3) Unix 

(4) Windows 

(5) None of these 

Q.6. A process known as —— is used by large retailers to study trends ?

(1) Data mining 

(2) Data selection 

(3) POS 

(4) Data conversion 

(5) None of these 

Q.7. Unit testing will be done by —————-.

(1) Testers 

(2) End users 

(3) Customers 

(4) Developers 

(5) None of these 

Q.8. SPICE means ————-.

(1) Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination. 

(2) Software Process Improvement & compatibility Determination. 

(3) Software Process Invention & Compatibility Determination 

(4) Software Process Invention & Capacity Determination. 

(5) None of these 

Q.9. Computer uses the ———— language to process data?

(1) Processing 

(2) Kilobyte 

(3) Binary 

(4) Representational 

(5) None of these 

Q.10. When you quickly press and release the left mouse button twice you are _____.

(1) Primary clicking 

(2) Pointing 

(3) Double clicking 

(4) Secondary clicking 

(5) Drag and drop 


Q.1. (4) malware 

Q.2. (2) * 

Q.3. (3) Master file 

Q.4. (3) Microsoft office XP 

Q.5. (1) Internet 

Q.6. (1) Data Mining 

Q.7. (4) Developers 

Q.8. (1) Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination. 

Q.9. (3) Binary 

Q.10. (3) Double clicking

computer gk 9 june

Q.1. The first practical commercial typewriter was invented in 1868 in the United States by
(1) Christopher Latham Sholes 
(2) Carlos Glidden 
(3) Samuel Soule 
(4) All of the above 
(5) None of these 

Q.2. Transistor is used in which genration.
(1) First 
(2) Second 
(3) Third 
(4) Fourth 
(5) None of these 

Q.3. Which is first computing device ?
(3) IBM-1400 
(4) MARK-II 
(5) None of these 

Q.4. The third generation of computers uses of technology:
(1) Vaccum Tubes 
(2) Transistors 
(3) Silicon Chips 
(4) Artificial Intelegence 
(5) All

Q.5. Which of the following was (were) not used in first-generation computer?
(1) vaccuum tubes 
(2) cards 
(3) magnetic core 
(4) punched paper tape 
(5) None of these 

Q.6. First generation computers used to -
(1) Multitasking 
(2) Networking 
(3) Batch processing 
(4) Modulation 
(5) None of these 

Q.7. What was the name of first digital computer
(1) unibase 
(2) eniac 
(3) uniform 
(4) universe 
(5) None of these 

Q.8. Which generation of computer is still under development?
(1) Fourth Generation 
(2) Fifth Generation 
(3) Sixth Generation
(4) Seventh Generation 
(5) None of these 

Q.9. Artificial Intelligence is associated with which generation?
(1) First Generation 
(2) Second Generation 
(3) Fifth Generation 
(4) Sixth Generation 
(5) None of these 

Q.10 Fifth generation computer is also known as
(1) Knowledge information processing system 
(2) Very large scale integration (VLSI) 
(3) Both of above 
(4) Process in batch mode 
(5) None of these


Q.1. (4) All of the above
Q.2. (2) Second generation
Q.3. (1) ABACUS is the first computing device.
Q.4. (3) Silicon Chips 
Q.5. (5) None of these.
Q.6. (3) Batch Processing is used in first Generation.
Q.7. (2) ENIAC is the name of first digital computer.
Q.8. (2) Fifth generation of computer is still under development.
Q.9. (3) Fifth generation
Q.10. (1) Knowledge information processing system