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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Computer gk 12 june

Q.1. Database utility exist in —————— menu ?

(1) Format 

(2) tools 

(3) File 

(4) Edit 

(5) None of these 

Q.2. In which object sql is used ?

(1) Query 

(2) Form 

(3) Report 

(4) Macro 

(5) None of these 

Q.3. What is the function of relationship ?

(1) Relate multiple table 

(2) Relate multiple form 

(3) Relate table and form 

(4) Relate queries and forms 

(5) None of these 

Q.4. Which of the following is not a transmission medium ?

(1) Telephones lines 

(2) Coaxial cables 

(3) Modem 

(4) Micro wave system 

(5) None of these

Q.5. What is the minimum number of wires needed to send data over a serial communication link layer ?

(1) 1 

(2) 2 

(3) 4 

(4) 6 

(5) None of these

Q.6. The loss in signal power as light travels down the fiber is called

(1) Attenuation 

(2) Interruption 

(3) Scattering 

(4) Propogation 

(5) None of these

Q.7. Which of the following is a browser?

(1) Window XP 

(2) C++ 

(3) Internet Explorer 

(4) Front page 

(5) None of these 

Q.8. Which of the following protocol is used in internet?

(1) TCP/IP 

(2) VB.Net 

(3) Java 

(4) SQL 

(5) None of these 

Q.9. If you do not have an any e-mail account on then which of the following will you select ? 

(1) Sign up 

(2) Sign in 

(3) sign write 

(4) sign down 

(5) None of these 

Q.10. Length of IP address is.........? 

(1) 4 byte 

(2) 48 bits 

(3) 6 digit 

(4) 16 bits 

(5) None of these 


Q.1. (2) Tools

Q.2. (1) Query

Q.3. (1) Relate Multiple Table

Q.4. (3) Modem 

Q.5. (2) 2 

Q.6. (1) Attenuation 

Q.7. (3) Internet Explorer

Q.8. (1) TCP/IP 

Q.9. (1) Sign up

Q.10. (1) 4 byte is lengt

Monday, June 11, 2018

Computer gk 11 june

.1. You can add an image to a template by clicking the Insert Picture From File button on the _______toolbar.

(1) Illustration 

(2) Charts 

(3) Links 

(4) Table 

(5) Text 

Q.2. The Name box _______.

(1) Shows the location of the previously active cell 

(2) Appears to the left of the formula bar 

(3) Appears below the status bar 

(4) Appears below the menu bar 

(5) None of these 

Q.3. Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet?

(1) Save the workbook 

(2) Modify the worksheet 

(3) Enter text and data 

(4) Copy the worksheet 

(5) None of these 

Q.4. You can activate a cell by ________.

(1) Pressing the Tab key 

(2) Clicking the cell 

(3) Pressing an arrow key 

(4) All of above 

(5) None of these 

Q.5. Which is the shortcut key to jump to the first slide of the presentation?

(1) Home 

(2) Alt + Home 

(3) Ctrl + Home 

(4) Shift + Home 

(5) Shift + 1 

Q.6. To select more than one slide in the presentation, ______.

(1) Just Click on slide 

(2) Ctrl + Click on slide 

(3) Alt + Click on slide 

(4) Shift + Click on slide 

(5) Alt + Shift + Click on slide 

Q.7. To place something in the same position on every slide of presentation automatically, insert into ______.

(1) Slide master 

(2) Notes master 

(3) Handout master 

(4) All 

(5) None of the above 

Q.8. Can edit an already inserted embedded organization chart object by _____.

(1) Double Click on the organization chart object. 

(2) CTRL + Click on the organization chart object 

(3) SHIFT + Click on the organization chart object 

(4) Single Click on the organization chart object 

(5) None of the above 

Q.9. Shortcut key to insert a hyperlink in a slide _____.

(1) Ctrl + H 

(2) Ctrl + K 

(3) Hyperlinks can’t be inserted in slides 

(4) Alt + K 

(5) None of the above 

Q.10. To draw the Square box in the slide by selecting rectangle tool and _____.

(1) Holding CTRL & Draw 

(2) Holding ALT & Draw 

(3) Holding SHIFT & Draw 

(4) All of the above 

(5) None of these 


Q.1. (1) Illustration 

Q.2. (2) The Name box appears t the left of the formula bar.

Q.3. (4) Copy the worksheet 

Q.4. (4) you can activate a cell by pressing the Tab key, clicking the cell and pressing an arrow key.

Q.5. (3) Ctrl + Home is the shortcut key to jump to the first slide of the presentation

Q.6. (2) To select more than one slide in the presentation Ctrl + Click on slide.

Q.7. (1) Slide master 

Q.8. (1) Double Click on the organization chart object. 

Q.9. (2) Ctrl + K 

Q.10. (3) To draw the Square box in the slide by selecting rectangle tool and Holding SHIFT & Draw