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Saturday, June 16, 2018

Computer gk 16 june

Q.1. Crptography technique is used in__________.

(1) Polling 

(2) Job Scheduling 

(3) Protection 

(4) File Management 

(5) Job Priority Management

Q.2. Microsoft word is an example of _______.

(1) An operating system 

(2) Application software 

(3) An output devie 

(4) An input device 

(5) None of these

Q.3. In microsoft excel every cell is referred from cell address to ------- ?

(1) Colunm level of cell 

(2) Column level and tab of worksheet of cell 

(3) Row level of cell 

(4) Row level and column level of cell 

(5) None of these

Q.4. If you type a word that is not in word's dictionary, a ------- wavy underline appears below the word.

(1) Red 

(2) Green 

(3) Blue 

(4) Black 

(5) None of these

Q.5. The -------- button on the Quick Access Toolbar allows you to cancel your recent commands or actions.

(1) Search 

(2) Cut 

(3) Document 

(4) Undo 

(5) None of these

Q.6. In excel, any set of characters containing a letter, hyphen or space is considered as --------.

(1) formula 

(2) text 

(3) name 

(4) title 

(5) None of these

Q.7. ------- cells involves creating a single cell by combining two or more selected cells.

(1) Formatting 

(2) Merging 

(3) Embedding 

(4) Splitting 

(5) None of these

Q.8. The horizontal and vertical lines on a worksheet are called -------?

(1) Cells 

(2) Sheets 

(3) Block lines 

(4) Gridlines 

(5) None of these

Q.9. The first page of a web site is called the -----------.

(1) Homepage 

(2) Index 

(3) Java Script 

(4) Bookmark 

(5) Intropage

Q.10. To reload a web page press the ------ button.

(1) Redo 

(2) Reload 

(3) Restore 

(4) Ctrl 

(5) Refresh


Q.1. (3) Cryptography technique is used in protection.

Q.2. (2) Microsoft word is an example of application software.

Q.3. (4) In Excel, Cell is referred as cell address (as row level and column level).

Q.4. (1) you will type a word that the program doesn’t recognize, so a red line will appear under words.It means it is not in word’s dictionary.

Q.5. (4) The Undo button on quick access toolbar allow you to cancel your recent commands or action.

Q.6. (1) In excel, a set of character containing letter, hyphen or space is known as formula.

Q.7. (2) In Microsoft Excel, it is possible to combine, or concatenate, different cells of data into one cell by cell merging.

Q.8. (1) Horizontal and vertical lines in excel are called cell

Q.9. (1) First page of website is called home page.

Q.10. (5) To reload a web page Refresh button is used.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Computer gk 15 june

Q.1. Vaccum tubes based electronic computer are of which generation computers?

(1) 1st generation 

(2) 2nd generation 

(3) 3rd generation 

(4) 4th generation 

(5) None of these

Q.2. UNIVAC is an example of which generation computers.

(1) 5th generation 

(2) 2nd generation 

(3) 3rd generation 

(4) 1st generation 

(5) None of these

Q.3. Among the following which is a web browser?

(1) Yahoo 

(2) Google 

(3) AOL 

(4) Cello 

(5) Lycos

Q.4. Which of the following is the word processor of MS office?

(1) Word Star 

(2) Word Pad 

(3) Word 

(4) Word perfect 

(5) None of these

Q.5. Excel files has a default extension of -

(1) .XLS 

(2) .XLW 

(3) .WKI 

(4) .123 

(5) None of these

Q.6. Files created with lotus 1 - 2 - 3 have extension______.

(1) .DOC 

(2) .XLS 


(4) .WKI 

(5) None of these

Q.7. M.S - word allows creation of type of documents by default.

(1) .DOC 

(2) .WPP 

(3) .TXT 

(4) .DOT 

(5) None of these

Q.8. A typical worksheet has ---------- number of columns.

(1) 128 

(2) 256 

(3) 512 

(4) 1024 

(5) None of these

Q.9. Latest version of "MS - office" is- 

(1) Office 2010 

(2) Office 2008 

(3) Office Vista 

(4) Office - N 

(5) None of these

Q.10. ____operating system pays more attention on the meeting of the time limits.

(1) Distributed 

(2) Network 

(3) Real Time 

(4) Online 

(5) Multitasking


Q.1. (1) First Generation computers are characterised by the use of vacuum tubes.

Q.2. (4) UNIVAC, which stood for Universal Automatic Computer, was developed in first generation.It is the world’s first commercially produced electronic digital computer.

Q.3. (4) Cello was an early shareware 16-bit multipurpose web browser for Windows 3.1.

Q.4. (2) WordPad is a basic word processor that is included with almost all versions of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 onwards.

Q.5. (1) The file extension of the default Excel format is .xls (.xlsx in newer versions).

Q.6. (3) Files that contain the .123 file extension are most commonly used by the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet software application.

Q.7. (1) .doc is default extension for MS word.

Q.8. (2) A worksheet has 256 number of column.

Q.9. (1) Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Office 2003, the 2007 Microsoft Office suites, and the 2010 Microsoft Office suites are all supported on Windows Vista.

Q.10. (3) Real time operating system pays more attention on the meeting of the ti