Q.1. Typical data transfer rates in LAN are of the order of -------.
(1) Bits per sec
(2) Kilo bits per sec
(3) Mega bits per sec
(4) All of the above
(5) None of these
Q.2. The control of the job running within a system is called -----.
(1) Job monitoring
(2) Job stream
(3) Job min
(4) Job step
(5) None of these
Q.3. You can add a hyperlink to your worksheet by pressing ----.
(1) Alt + k
(2) Ctrl + H
(3) Ctrl + k
(4) Ctrl + shift + k
(5) Alt + ctrl + k
Q.4. Tab scrolling button -------.
(1) Allow you to view a different worksheet.
(2) Allow you to view additional worksheet rowdown.
(3) Allow you to view additional worksheet column to the right.
(4) Allow you to view additional sheet tabs.
(5) None of these
Q.5. You can insert labels for -------.
(1) All the data markers on a chart.
(2) A data series
(3) A selected data marker
(4) All
(5) None of other
Q.6. Which of the following shortcut is used to close the active window?
(1) ALT+f 5
(2) CTRL + F4
(3) Alt + F6
(4) CTRl + W
(5) Both 2 and 4
Q.7. To switch to the previous tab in a dialog box We use --------.
(1) Ctrl+Shift+Tab
(2) Ctrl + Alt + Tab
(3) Alt + Tab
(4) Ctrl + Tab
(5) Alt + Ctrl + Tab
Q.8. Which of the following is not common word processing packages?
(1) Soft word
(2) Word Star
(3) Word Perfect
(4) Microsoft word
(5) None of these
Q.9. What is URL?
(1) Uniform Resource Locator
(2) Uniform Resource Location
(3) United Resource Locator
(4) United Rim Locator
(5) Union Resource Link
Q.10. The Unix operating system is written in language -
(1) Cobal
(2) C
(3) Binary
(4) Fortran
(5) C#
Q.1. (3) Data transfer rate of LAN are measured in megabits per second.
Q.2. (1) Control of job running within a system is called job monitoring.
Q.3. (3) By pressing Ctrl+k, we can use hyperlink.
Q.4. (4) Tab scrolling button allow you to view additional sheet tabs.
Q.5. (4) We can insert label for chart, dataseries and selected data marker.
Q.6. (2) Ctrl+F4 is used to close the active window.
Q.7. (1) To switch to the previous tab in a dialog box we use ctrl+shift+tab.
Q.8. (5) All given options are common word processing package.
Q.9. (1) URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.
Q.10. (2) Unix operating system is written in C language.