What is the reason for black space on the monitor ?
(1) Due to magnet
(2) Due to electrical signal
(3) Due to optical device
(4) Some problem with circuitry
(5) None of these
Q.2. Which of the following is a graphic package ?
(1) Adobe PageMaker
(2) Acrobat Reader
(3) Microsoft Word
(4) Corel DRAW
(5) None of these
Q.3. The print to file option creates ?
(1) .txt file
(2) .prn file
(3) .bak file
(4) .doc file
(5) None of these
Q.4. Alignment buttons are available on ——— .
(1) Status bar
(2) Standard toolbar
(3) Formatting bar
(4) Menu bar
(5) None of these
Q.5. The word thesaurus supports ?
(1) Synonyms
(2) Antonyms
(3) Either 1 or 2
(4) Both 1 & 2
(5) None of these
Q.6. Which of the following is not true ?
(1) Paragraph mark is non-printing character
(2) PowerPoint have 24 slide layout
(3) Laser printer are non-impact printer
(4) Closing a presentation & exiting PowerPoint are same
(5) None of these
Q.7. Which is a temporary memory ?
(1) RAM
(2) ROM
(3) Cache
(5) None of these
Q.8. LCD is based on which technology ?
(1) Light intensity variation
(2) Voltage & current
(3) Temperature & volume
(4) Polarization & electric field
(5) None of these
Q.9. Which of the following is not an operating system ?
(1) UNIX
(2) OS/2
(3) DOS
(4) C++
(5) None of these
Q.10. Firmware are collected in--------.
(1) ROM
(2) Floppy disk
(3) Hard disk
(4) Magnetic tapes
(5) None of these
Q.1. (1) Due to magnet
Q.2. (4) Corel Draw
Q.3. (3) .Bak file
Q.4. (2) Standard toolbar
Q.5. (1) Synonyms
Q.6. (4)
Q.7. (1) RAM
Q.8. (4) Polarization & Electric field
Q.9. (4) C++
Q.10. (1) ROM