What is USB drive ?
(1) Removable storage device
(2) Permanent storage device
(3) Input device
(4) Output device
(5) None of these
Q.2. Mouse is connected to the ——————- .
(1) LPT1 port
(2) LPT2 port
(3) Serial port
(4) USB port
(5) None of these
Q.3. Windows work in which mode ?
(1) Expanded
(2) Extended
(3) Enhanced and standard
(4) Compressed
(5) None of these
Q.4. Which shortcut key is used to send text on clipboard of windows ?
(1) Ctrl +V
(2) Ctrl +C
(3) Ctrl +L
(4) Ctrl +Z
(5) None of these
Q.5. Find the odd one ?
(3) Assembler
(5) None of these
Q.6. ERP is used in----------.
(1) security passes
(2) Information environment
(3) Sequential processing Operating system
(4) CPU
(5) None of these
Q.7. Entities, Attributes & Relationship are related to —————- .
(1) Logical concept of data
(2) Persons of an organization
(3) Physical concept of data
(4) Operating system
(5) None of these
Q.8. Digital signature is used in ——————-.
(1) Floppy disk marking
(2) Programming
(3) Data communication
(4) Real time processing
(5) None of these
Q.9. Which of the following is not used for data entry ?
(1) COM
(2) RAM
(3) MICR
(5) None of these
Q.10. Data processing technique is used in------------.
(1) Distributed Processing
(2) Real – Time Processing
(3) Remote processing
(4) Sequential processing
(5) None of these
Q.1. (1) Removable storage device
Q.2. (3) Serial port
Q.3. (3) Enhanced & standard
Q.4. (2) Ctrl+C
Q.5. (3) Assembler
Q.6. (2) Information environment
Q.7. (1) Logical concept of data
Q.8. (3) Data communication
Q.9. (1) COM
Q.10. (1) Distributed Processing