Which of the following option is not in Insert menu ?
(1) Header and Footer
(2) Footnote
(3) Bookmark
(4) Edit
(5) None of these
Q.2 Which input device is not suitable to work with MS word ?
(1) Key board
(2) Mouse
(3) Light Pen
(4) Joy stick
(5) None of these
Q.3 Which page orientation you will select if you wish to print in wide format ?
(1) Landscape
(2) Portrait
(3) Horizontal
(4) Vertical
(5) None of these
Q.4 A protocol used to control the secure sending of data on the internet is -
(1) SMTP
(3) TCP/IP
(4) HTTP
(5) None of these
Q.5 The time taken to download a DVD movie, such as “The Matrix”, using internet 2 is approximately.
(1) 170 hours
(2) 25 hours
(3) 7 hours
(4) less than a minute
(5) None of these
Q.6 Which of the following is a true statement about Intranets and Internets ?
(1) They use the same protocol
(2) They use similar protocol
(3) Encryption is necessary
(4) Speed is slow
(5) None of these
Q.7 Telephone systems may be classified as:
(1) Duplex and symmetrical
(2) Simplex and symmetrical
(3) Duplex and asymmetrical
(4) Simplex and asymmetrical
(5) None of these
Q.8 Internet is an example of a :
(1) Packet switched network
(2) Cell switched network
(3) Circuit switched network
(4) Both 2 and 3
(5) None of these
Q.9 A router :
(1) Determines on which outgoing link a packet to be forwarded.
(2) Forwards a packet to all outgoing links, except the links upon which the packet originated.
(3) Forwards a packet to all outgoing links.
(4) Forward a packet to the next free outgoing link.
(5) None of these
Q.10 HTML is used for -
(1) Plot complicated graphs
(2) Solve equation
(3) Author web pages
(4) Translate one language to another
(5) None of these
Answer Key-
Q.1 (1)
Q.2 (4)
Q.3 (1)
Q.4 (3)
Q.5 (1)
Q.6 (1)
Q.7 (1)
Q.8 (3)
Q.9 (1)
Q.10 (3)