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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

computer gk

Q.1. At a time how many operating system can be at work on a computer 

(1) Only one 

(2) Two 

(3) Three 

(4) Four 

(5) None of these 

Q.2. A cluster represents - 

(1) A group of tracks 

(2) A group of sector 

(3) Total No. of tracks present on the disk 

(4) Total no. of sector present on disk 

(5) None of these 

Q.3. Manual data can be put into computer by - 

(1) Keyboard 

(2) MICR 

(3) OCR 

(4) Scanner 

(5) None of these 

Q.4. ATM of bank- 

(1) e-money 

(2) only money transferring 

(3) Real currency 

(4) Plastic money 

(5) None of these 

Q.5. .zip is a - 

(1) executable file 

(2) compressed file 

(3) system file 

(4) combo file 

(5) None of these 

Q.6. Which is the latest platform of intel centrio microprocessor. 

(1) Napa 

(2) Caramel 

(3) Sonoma 

(4) Sante Rosa 

(5) None of these 

Q.7. Each directory entry can be of ______ bytes. 

(1) 34 

(2) 32 

(3) 36 

(4) 42 

(5) None of these 

Q.8. Bandwidth means - 

(1) channel capacity 

(2) amount of data 

(3) Measure of speed following via cables 

(4) All 

(5) None of these 

Q.9. All computer can execute - 

(1) BASIC 

(2) CoBol 

(3) C 

(4) ADA 

(5) None of these 

Q.10. With the help of which key a letter can erased in word - 

(1) Ctrl+Del+Alt 

(2) Alt+Del 

(3) Shift+backspace 

(4) Shift+Alt+Del 

(5) None of these 


Q.1.(1) Only one operating System. 

Q.2.(4) Total no. of sectors present on disk. 

Q.3.(1) Keyboard 

Q.4.(4) Plastic Money 

Q.5.(2) .Zip is compressed file 

Q.6.(4) Santa Rosa is intel's prelaunch code name its name is centrino Duo 

Q.7.(2) Root Directory can contain 224 entries, each 32 bytes. 

Q.8.(4) Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transmitted along a channel during a specified period of time. 

Q.9.(3) C language 

Q.10.(3) Shift+backspace 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Computer gk

What type of error is found by the compiler ? 

(1) Run time error 

(2) Logical error 

(3) Syntax error 

(4) Programming error 

(5) None of these 

Q.2. In the absence of a ——————, computer cannot boot. 

(1) Loader 

(2) Compiler 

(3) Operating System 

(4) Assembler 

(5) None of these 

Q.3. Which part of operating system controls the whole computer? 

(1) Shell 

(2) Kenrnel 

(3) BIOS 

(4) Loader 

(5) None of these 

Q.4. All the setting related to Windows is recorded in whic file ? 


(2) WIN. INI 



(5) None of these 

Q.5. VXD is extension of which kind of file? 

(1) Test file 

(2) Normal application file 

(3) Device driver 

(4) Picture file 

(5) None of these 

Q.6. Which of the following is a special key ? 

(1) Ctrl 

(2) Esc 

(3) Insert 

(4) All 

(5) None of these 

Q.7. What is Bus ? 

(1) Set of connection lines between various parts of computer. 

(2) Set of registers 

(3) Type of memory 

(4) Set of records 

(5) None of these 

Q.8. ISDN stands for--------. 

(1) Integrated Server Digital Network 

(2) Integrated Soft Digital Network 

(3) Incoming Service Digital Network 

(4) Integrated Services Digital Network 

(5) None of these 

Q.9. is an example of ———— .

(1) Website 

(2) Server 

(3) Domain name 

(4) E-mail id 

(5) None of these 

Q.10. PROLOG stands for ———— .

(1) Program in Lot 

(2) Program in Last 

(3) Programming in Logic 

(4) Program in Language 

(5) None of these 


Q.1.(3) Syntax error 

Q.2.(3) An operating system 

Q.3.(2) Kernel 

Q.4.(2) WIN.INI 

Q.5.(3) Device driver 

Q.6.(4) All 


Q.8.(4) Integrated Service Digital Network 

Q.9.(4) E-mail -id 

Q.10.(3) Programming in Logic