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Sunday, April 15, 2012


1. Multiprogramming was made possible by
(a) input/output units that operate independently of the CPU
(b) Operating systems
(c) Both a and b
(d) Neither a nor b
ANS: c

2. The person contributing the idea of the stored program was
(a) John von Neumann
(b) Charles Babbage
(c) Howard Aiken
(d) Thomas J. Watson, Sr.
ANS: a

3. Transistorized computer circuit were introduced in the
(a) first generation
(b) second generation
(c) third generation
(d) fourth generation
ANS: b

4. The first firm to mass-market a microcomputer as a personal computer was
(a) Data general corporation
(b) Sperry Univac
(c) radio shack
ANS: c

5. The "Father of Punched Card Processing" was
(a) J. Presper Eckert
(b) Charles Babbage
(c) Blaise Pascal
(d)Dr. Herman Hollerith
ANS: d

6. The punched card used in IBM System/3 contains
(a) 80 column
(b) 90 column
(c) 96 column
(d) 126 column
ANS: c

7. First integrated circuit chip was developed by
(a) C.V.Raman
(b) W.H.Brittain
(c) J.S.Kilby
(d) Robert Noyc
ANS: c

8. The main distinguishing features of fifth generation digital computers will be
(a) Liberal used microprocessors
(b) Artificial intelligence
(c) Extremely low cost
(d) Versatility
ANS: b

9. IBM 7000 digital computer
(a) Belongs to second generation
(b) Uses VLSI
(c) Employs semi-conductor memory
(d) has modular construction
ANS: d

10. The first mechanical computer designed by Babbage was called:
(a) Analytical Engine
(b) Abacus
(c) Calculator
(d) Processor
ANS: a

11. The counting board in which numbers are represented as beads strung on wires is commonly called abacus. By what name is it known in Japan?
(a) Suanpan
(b) Soroban
(c) Napier's beads
(d) Suharto
ANS: b

12. Who developed a mechanical device in the 17th century that could add, subtracts, multiply, divide and find square roots?
(a) Napier
(b) Babbage
(c) Pascal
(d) Leibnitz
ANS: d

13. What is the name of the earliest calculating machine which was based on concepts found in modem computers but was unfortunately never build?
(a) Babbage's Difference Engine
(b) Pascal's Adder
(c) Leibnitz's Multiplier
(d) Differential Analyzer
ANS: a

14. Who is called the "grandfather" of the computer?
(a) Herman Hollerith
(b) Blaise Pascal
(c) Charles Babbage
(d) Joseph jacquard
ANS: c

15. In 1830, Charles Babbage designed a machine called the Analytical Engine which he showed at the Paris Exhibition. In which year was it exhibited
(a) 1835
(b) 1860
(c) 1855
(d) 1870
ANS: c

16. Charles Babbage, who was Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University in England, was an eccentric and quick tempered man. He planned and dreamt of many machines which he could not complete. One such machine was known as "Babbage's Folly". Can you tell the name of the machine?
(a) Differential Analyzer
(b) Difference Engine
(c) Analytical Engine
(d) Mark-1
ANS: c

17. In 1944, an electromechanical computer was built having thousands of relays which sounded "like a roomful of old ladies knitting away with steel needles" as they clicked open and closed. What was the name of the computer?
(a) colossus
(b) Mark-1
(c) Whirlwind
ANS: b

18. ENIAC (electric Numerical Integrator and Calculator) had huge advantage over mark because it used electronic valves in place of the electromagnetic valves in place of the electromagnetic switches. In the beginning, ENIAC was used for calculating the path of artillery shells. For which other was weapon design was it utilized?
(a) hydrogen bomb
(b) atom bomb
(c) submarines
(d) fighter aircraft
ANS: a

19. What was the total number of UNIVAC- I sold eventually and by which company?
(a) 20, British Tabulating Machine Co. (BTM)
(b) 80, International Business Machines (IBM)
(c) 48, Remington Red
(d) 40, International Computer Ltd. (ICL)
ANS: 48

20. Who is credited with the development of the "blueprints" for the first digital computer?
(a) Blaise Pascal
(b) William Seward Burroughs
(c) Charles Babbage
(d) Herman Hollerith
ANS: c

21. The first practical commercial typewriter was invented in 1867 in the United States by
(a) Chirstopher Latham Sholes
(b) Carlos Glidden
(c) Samual soule
(d) All of the above
ANS: d

22. Punched-card equipment was first introduced in Britain in 904 by a small company. What was the name of that company?
(a) The Tabulator Ltd.
(b) Tabular Machine Company
(c) International Business Machines (IBM)
(d) Accounting & Tabulating Corp. of Great Britain
ANS: a

23. When was punched-card equipment used for the first time to process the British census?
(a) 1094
(b) 1907
(c) 1911
(d) 1914
ANS: c

24. The first major electronic analog computer called the differential analyzer was built at Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT) in the late 1920s. Can you tell who directed the development of this computer?
(a) Cliffort Berry
(b) Thomas J Watson
(c) A.M. Turing
(d) Vannevar Bush
ANS: d

25. Which was the first company in the world to build computer for sale?
(a) International Business Machines
(b) Remington Rand Corporation
(c) English Electric Computer Ltd:
(d) Sperry Univac.
ANS: d

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